Supine Stander

Supine Stander

The ability to stand. Changes how people experience the world.

The Supine Stander enables vertical standing for adults and children with physical disabilities. The use of a vertical stander can strengthen core muscles and improve weight-bearing, weight-shifting and trunk control.  Additionally, they promote upright social interactions at the same eye-level as a users peers.

The Supine Stander provides incremental weight-bearing, increasing bone strength.  An upright posture, prolonged stretch of hip and knee flexors and correct positioning of the spine helps prevent scoliosis,  and helps maintain respiratory and digestive system functioning.

The Benefits:
  • The Supine Stander makes transfers easy.
  • Angle adjustment is calibrated from 0° to 85° for accurate positioning.
  • Double-locking casters prevent roll and swivel during transfers.
  • The sturdy, curved frame gives plenty of foot room to the caregiver and allows close proximity for transfer in and out of a wheelchair, or other equipment.

Accessories & Add-ons


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